Shaman Series

Deep Dive Into Shamanism: Exclusive Teachings From The World’s Oldest Mystery School

In a world overflowing with information and spiritual programs, it can be challenging to find teachings that truly resonate on a deep, transformative level.  The House of the Bee Mystery School© healing lineage teachings stand out as a beacon of authentic, ancient wisdom.  As the world’s oldest mystery school, it offers undiluted, pristine teachings that guide seekers and

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Do you know what a Tree Telegraph is?

Do you know what a Tree Telegraph is? You may be familiar with the term Bush Telegraph. The term ‘bush telegraph’ is said to originate in the Australian outback. It symbolises the way information is rapidly and efficiently disseminated among the inhabitants of these regions, often surpassing conventional communication methods in speed and effectiveness. But

Do you know what a Tree Telegraph is? Read More »

Sit in My Medicine Circle – Receive Shamanic Wisdom

In my role as High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School®, one of my responsibilities is to disseminate the sacred teachings associated with my lineage.  These lineage teachings consist of 12 sacred strands of knowledge that come down this line since the beginning of time. They include the secrets of shamanism, healing, ritual,

Sit in My Medicine Circle – Receive Shamanic Wisdom Read More »

Play Your Important Role in Restoring Order in the World

As our physical world becomes increasingly more chaotic, uncertain and disorderly, there is an ever greater need for the souls who are called to walk the shamanic path.  These are the special group of souls who are called to walk the path of serviceto do the sacred work of restoring order in the world. The shaman’s sacred work

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Then and Now: Access to True Mystery School Teachings

In ancient times, those who followed their spiritual calling, went through many physical, and often life-threatening, trials and tribulations in order to gain and be granted access to true mystery school teachings. FACING CHALLENGES, TESTS AND TRIALS They had to climb high mountains, cross raging rivers and face numerous physically challenging situations. Those who followed their

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The Healing Hive and a Healing ‘Hum’

Did you know that in our Medicine Woman school, you have a unique opportunity to be part of the Healing Hive? The Healing Hive is a specially dedicated sacred space in our online school where each student can participate in and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’. From an esoteric point of view, the

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Tap into the Magic of the Moon

MOON PHASES AND INNER TRANSFORMATION, TRANSMUTATION AND TRANSCENDENCE Moon phases and their associated powers have been used in mystery school teachings for centuries and when worked with skilfully and intelligently, they can help us to access deeper levels of spiritual power. Moon phases act as our guides for inner transformation and personal growth, and they are vital

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Avoiding the Side Effects of Hallucinogenic Shamanic Teacher Plants

A common question I get asked about the teacher plants our shamanic students work with is are they hallucinogenic? The answer is No. THE OLD SHAMANIC TRADITIONS AND HALLUCINOGENIC PLANTS In the old shamanic traditions the shaman often worked with plants that were hallucinogenic or psychotropic to receive wisdom and guidance from the plant and to access altered states

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Access the Magical Version of Your Everyday Reality

Would you like to live in the magical version of everyday reality?  Not the mundane, colourless and boring world that most people experience in their daily life. But a truly alive, dynamic and magical version of the each moment, a world beyond the three-dimensional reality, where magical things take place. In this world, you can see past

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A Lifelong Road Map For The Soul

From ancient to modern times an awareness of the human soul has been an integral part of humankind’s history. For aeons, core essential elements of the soul’s epic and heroic journey have been portrayed in the myths, fables, children’s fairy stories, folk tales and songs. The powerful wisdom embedded within the stories of the soul

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How To Become Enlightened While Living In The 3D Realm

WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? Speaking generally enlightenment is a gradual process of becoming more and more light filled. The word enlightenment means; to be in the light; or to bring into the light. Full spiritual enlightenment or cosmic consciousness, which is experienced as ‘divine intoxication’ is a culmination of a series of enlightenment stages. Some people have flashes

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The Truth About Soul Mate Connection – How to Find Your Twin Flame Instead

The term ‘soul mate’ has been romanticised and well used in modern media and social networks. So much so that its true meaning has been diluted and ‘washed out’ to become virtually meaningless. It is now widely believed that the search for and bonding with a soul mate is desirable and in many cases aspirational. This

The Truth About Soul Mate Connection – How to Find Your Twin Flame Instead Read More »

From Fear of Being Different to Making a Difference

EXPERIENCE THE POWER IN BEING DIFFERENT If you feel ‘different’ to most of the people around you, ironically, you are not alone. Being and feeling ‘different’ generally is experienced negatively until it is meaningfully transformed into a positive expression of uniqueness and power. The living matrix of our world functions best when the uniqueness of

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How to Reconnect with Your Spirit-Self and Live Out Your Unique Spiritual Destiny

  Humanity is in the grips of a mass disconnection from spirit. What does this mean? The experience of our own spirituality is as unique to us as our fingerprint, yet most people feel disconnected from their own spiritual wisdom and power. The corporatisation of spirituality and belief has created a complexity that distances us

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The Ancient Shamanic Secret to Spiritual Progress: Reversing the Wheel

  Wise men and women have always known the secret to making spiritual progress lies in their ability to resist and move beyond the magnetic attractions of mass consciousness. ‘Mass consciousness’ can be defined as being the ‘herd mind’, a state of consciousness that allows a person to be easily manipulated by the invasive, negative

The Ancient Shamanic Secret to Spiritual Progress: Reversing the Wheel Read More »

Access Full Shamanic Power and Create Order Where There Is Chaos

A shaman is a spirit walker who walks between the worlds and is ready to play an active and dynamic role in the restoration of harmony and balance to all people, places and things. A shaman creates order where there is chaos. When the shaman undertakes the sacred commitment to maintain the balance and order

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The Power of Being Different. Break Out of Mediocrity.

  If you feel ‘different’ to most of the people around you, ironically, you are not alone. Being and feeling ‘different’ generally is experienced negatively until it is meaningfully transformed into a positive expression of uniqueness and power. The living matrix of our world functions best when the uniqueness of its inhabitants is expressed. It

The Power of Being Different. Break Out of Mediocrity. Read More »

Did You Know You May Have Been Through a Shamanic Rite of Passage?

  There are valuable personal and collective opportunities within the current global crisis that we can access and leverage to our advantage when we embrace the deeper metaphysical implications of what we are experiencing. The stress and pressure of lockdown and isolation have created the perfect conditions to initiate life-changing, permanent shifts in perspective and

Did You Know You May Have Been Through a Shamanic Rite of Passage? Read More »

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