Porta Alchémica® Zodiacal Elixirs

The Celestial Arcana

The twelve Zodiacal Elixirs embody the specific energetic keynote of each one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign of the zodiac is a different beautifully coloured window or lens through which specialised powerful stellar energy shines and expresses. Each Zodiacal Elixir enables you to select which facet or mode of stellar zodiacal power you wish to express in your life.

Choose 'How' you want to express
Each Zodiacal Elixir enables you to select which facet or mode of stellar zodiacal power you wish to express in your life. These Zodiacal Elixirs are a central component of the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© and Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© training programs.
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