No 97 Connecting With Your Inner Shaman – Shamanic Journey Audio



Meet Your Spirit Helpers for Wisdom, Insight & Strength

Shamanic journey to your medicine place and meet your spirit helpers for wisdom, insight and inner strength.

Made in New Zealand

Audio MP3


Author: Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Format: Audio MP3

Length: 17mins

How to Download: Your download link will be sent to you on your order confirmation email. You will also find the link on your account page under ‘My Downloadable Products’

Related Product: You can enhance this HypnoSoul© Self-Hypnosis Shamanic Journey experience by taking 3 drops of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 97 Parataniwha – The Shaman on the tongue, or in a glass of water, before you begin your journey. Continue taking this flower essence daily, 3 drops 3 times a day, until the bottle is finished.

Related Course: Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©

Listen on any device. Do not listen while driving.

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