My unique soul intelligence, experience, wisdom and understanding grew and evolved

“I initially resisted enrolling in the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program as I could not see how I could be a healer. I would dream of doors shutting me out and struggling with a door not letting me through.

While online one day, I ‘accidentally’ arrived 5 mins before Franchelle’s webinar, ‘Avoid Healers Burnout’ was about to start. With this signpost, I enrolled two days before the New Moon when the program was due to begin.

As soon as I enrolled in the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© all the doubts, concerns, dreams of struggling with doors disappeared.

I stepped into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program celebrating, honouring and upholding those who have walked this path before me, those in front of me and those to follow.

Prior to beginning this program my life and environment has always been, and is full of knowing ‘a world which is never spoken of, but revered’.

Within the sacred container of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program and in collaboration with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers teacher plant essences, my unique soul intelligence, experience, wisdom and understanding grew and evolved. I am now able to know, understand and communicate with wisdom that which is seeking to be revealed.

The Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© turned my world upside down, inside out and I am forever changed. I loved this program as it was all about ME. And with the empowerment of ME, my world benefited and my relationships with others continue to flourish.

With knowing, experiencing, understanding and wisdom of my unique soul truths, I am able to make decisions that resonate on a cellular level and gift peace and right relationships on all levels and layers of my world. From this place of wholeness, I am able to attract all that I seek.

Though the biggest challenge for me was time, I enrolled in the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© to learn and to maximise my investment. I invited Spirit to be “First”.

There were many moments, and time flew out the door when I experienced those connections and linkages. I would absolutely recommend this program.”

Peggy Rangi
New Zealand
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