HypnoSoul© Shamanic Healing Journeys

Self-Hypnosis for the Soul Audio Series
Created by Master Shamaness, Medicine Woman, Healer and Esoteric Hypnotherapist Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Hypnosis has been used for centuries as a powerful tool for healing body, mind, soul and spirit. My HypnoSoul© Shamanic Healing Journeys Series use specialised ancient esoteric healing and shamanic techniques that are over 100,000 years old.

Access deeper levels of consciousness and connect with the spiritual realm.
In this comprehensive series of transformative audio journeys, you will connect with the plant spirits of New Zealand’s native forests and experience the profound healing power of nature.

These recordings are designed to help you tap into your limitless inner resources, harness the power of your mind, and positively transform your life. Enhance your relationship with yourself, others, and life itself as you embark on these powerful healing journeys.


• No 85 Connecting with Your Inner Healer

Shamanic journey to the world of soul to connect with and strengthen the connection to your soul, access healing powers and link with the Great Mother energy

• No 97 Connecting with Your Inner Shaman

Shamanic journey to your medicine place and meet your spirit helpers for wisdom, insight and inner strength.

• No 101 Calling on Your Power Animal

Shamanic journey to access the shamanic lower world and call on your power animal for assistance, or help with personal challenges, problems or issues.

• No 112 Healing the Heart

Shamanic journey to the Broken Heart Tree to heal and retrieve a piece of your heart that has been lost, or given away.

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