Medicine Woman
Certificate in Shamanic Studies©

The 24 Sacred Rites of Passage
and Initiations of the Shaman

Develop True Shamanic Power and Help Restore Order and Harmony in the World with these 24 Inner Skills, Capacities and Abilities of the Shaman

Begins on New Moon

new moon date

Founder of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®,
medicine woman, master shamaness, multi-award award winning sacred plant medicine specialist and author.
2-year online program

Stand for Something Greater

A true shaman ‘knows’ they are different, unique and meant for more than what is on offer in modern society. They yearn to experience authentic connection, to help others and nature, to stand for something greater and to restore balance and order in the world. Shamans experience a deep yearning in their soul and spirit to undertake meaningful work that uplifts others and makes a difference.

Many of these people sense a lack of something within their very souls that is profoundly important but very difficult to define. Their presence is often powerful and polarising and they can feel misunderstood, restless and like they don’t belong. They feel the pain of others and the suffering in the world. They ache to do something that matters and will try many different modalities or travel the world looking for ‘home’.

Shamanism is a Noble Destiny

In the old traditions, the shaman was recognised at birth and was trained in the skills and disciplines of their lineage. With the traditional lineages disappearing, it is the spiritual lineage that is now calling the shamans home to fulfil their destiny.

Shamanism is a noble destiny. A shaman is a spirit walker who walks between the worlds and is ready to play an active and dynamic role in the restoration of harmony and balance to all people, places and things. A true shaman creates order where there is chaos.

When the shaman undertakes the sacred commitment to maintain the balance and order within themselves, they become capable of bringing balance and order to the world. When the shaman confronts their own fears and overcomes them, they are then empowered to confront the darkness of the world without fear. By following their true path, the shamans of the world are able to guide and lead others out of the darkness and into the light.

Re-Connect with the Inner Shaman

In the Aquarian Age, the ancient sacred pathway of the shaman has been fully restored and made available to all those who seek to re-connect with their inner shaman and walk the sacred path of the shaman.

We have supported hundreds of shamans through the 2-year comprehensive formal shamanic apprenticeship program. This program both honours the old ways and meets the modern requirements necessary for developing genuine shamanic abilities and capacities.

While this training has been developed to meet 21st century needs, the structure of the teachings is age-old and fully embodies all of the necessary traditional elements ensuring the teachings are a perfect expression of the ancient earth wisdom tradition.

The Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© available exclusively through Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® is a pathway comprised of the 24 original ancient rites of passage and self-initiations of the shaman. You will be working with highly esteemed New Zealand native shamanic teacher plants to enable you to acquire, develop and master the necessary soul and spiritual qualities and disciplines to become a fully empowered shaman.

Follow a Pathway 'Home'

The Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program with its 24 original ancient rites of passage and initiations of the shaman is a proven pathway ‘home’. As the apprentice shaman sequentially undertakes and successfully passes through each of the rites of passage and initiations, it enables them to rediscover their shaman’s power place, reunite with their power animals and spirit guides and triumph over challenges which enables them to stand and work for a better world.

Many Medicine Woman students say that joining the Medicine Woman community is like ‘coming home’.

Is This Shamanic Program Right for You?

This program is for you if:

  • You have heard the call to enter into the divine mysteries and become a living embodiment of true shamanic power – a power that comes from standing for a better world and walking the high road of the shaman, which is a road that leads to the stars
  • You are ready to walk as a spirit among other spirits, to play an active and dynamic role in the restoration of harmony and peace for all people, places and things
  • You seek wisdom, self-knowledge and profound personal transformation

This program spiritually empowers you to:

  • Create the connection with your own spirit, your inner shaman, and receive a flow of guidance that you can interpret, follow and act on
  • Ally with the power and intelligence of nature to acquire greater levels of instinctual wisdom and self-knowledge
  • Reconnect with your spirit guides, spirit helpers, power animals and power symbols to build your power base and feel metaphysically and magically supported Journey outside time and space to access insight and healing for yourself and others
  • Develop a ‘lion heart’ and experience true fearlessness
  • Join with others in the Planetary Transformation Program and experience the power of collective energies working for the greater good

Transform Yourself and Restore Order and Harmony in the World by Working with Shamanic Teacher Plants

On your shamanic journey, you will be working with powerful allies from nature. These are the 24 highly esteemed shamanic teacher plants from the ancient flora of New Zealand – the land of the ever-shining light. These teacher plants have stepped forward to meet and guide you on your path. They will be your wise elders, teachers and initiators.

Over the course of 24 months, these teacher plants will be assisting you to develop the soul skills, qualities and disciplines that enable you to not only transform yourself but also help restore order and harmony in the world.

You will be entering into a sacred and dynamic relationship with these powerful teacher plants for the duration of the program. You will be doing so by ingesting the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences No’s 97-120. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are a multi-award winning vibrational medicine systems created from the unique and remarkable plants of New Zealand.

Access the Four-Fold Expression of Shamanic Power

By working with the remarkable intelligence of the 24 shamanic teacher plants in the form of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences, you will be able to access the four-fold expression of shamanic power to help you experience personal transformation, attain wisdom, acquire soul skills and participate in planetary transformation.

1. Personal Transformation

The first expression of shamanic power is associated with the personality. Working with shamanic teacher plant essences at this level enables you to undergo profound personal transformation and acquire the necessary shamanic expertise for daily maintenance of your personality. It also enables you to develop the required understanding of the holistic healing capacities of each shamanic teacher plant so that you are then able to more effectively assist others on their healing journey.

2. Attaining Wisdom

The second expression of shamanic power is associated with the soul. The teacher plants that you will be working with are plants of a very high order that from ancient times have been associated with the deeper teachings of holistic healing and spiritual development. Because of their great wisdom, these shamanic teacher plants help you to exponentially deepen your wisdom and spiritual insight. They help to facilitate more rapid soul growth and spiritual development that is not possible through any other practice. This enables you to penetrate deeper into the great mysteries and attain exponentially higher levels of knowledge and wisdom.

3. Skill Acquisition

The third expression of shamanic power is associated with the spirit. Working with shamanic teacher plant essences provides a safe path of initiation. Each shamanic teacher plant essence represents a developmental stage that a person must pass through to acquire specific spiritual skills and disciplines. Each shamanic teacher plant supports a person to face and overcome the initiatory challenges that are milestones on the shaman’s path to oneness, self-mastery and enlightenment.

4. Planetary Transformation

The fourth expression of shamanic power is associated with planetary transformation, which has a transpersonal focus. This is the magical work that you will have an opportunity to participate in within the Medicine Woman program that enables you to play an active, intelligent and purposeful role in planetary transformation.

What You Will Be Learning

The 24 Rites of Passage and Soul Skills of the Shaman

You will begin with 1 month of comprehensive spiritual preparation to prepare your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies so you are in a receptive and focused state to begin your transformational journey. Over the following 24 months you will be working with plant intelligence in the form of the 24 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic teacher plant essences No’s 97-120. You will be entering into a sacred and cooperative relationship with these teacher plants to undertake the 24 rites of passage of the shaman and develop or enhance the 24 soul skills, qualities and disciplines of the shaman that are:

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What Our Students Say

I can now hold my spiritual purpose

“Undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program helped me to eliminate many limiting and negative personality traits within me, for example my rejection and abandonment complex. I find I am more neutral and not attached to things (people, outcomes). I no longer argue with people and put my energy

Vivia Ward
Massage Therapist and Energy Healer, New Zealand
My ideal way of living

“I have gained so much from the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©program. I can now hold my spiritual purpose much more strongly knowing a group of souls is there for the same objective and be able to apply valuable teachings in every day life in a practical way –

Sumi Asano
Energy Healer, Flower Essence Practitioner, New Zealand
Changed my life in so many ways

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program changed my life in so many ways – in every way possible actually and continues to benefit me in daily life. I loved the way it empowered me and gave me confidence to step more fully into the truth of who I am

Lynda Earl
Natural Medicine Practitioner, New Zealand
A greater sense of empowerment 

“When I set foot on the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©apprenticeship program, I had little idea of just how much this journey would change my life… for the better! Working under the wise tutelage of the venerable shamanic teacher plants and through the well-structured program provided by the Medicine

Lana Raill
Naturopath, New Zealand
I am awake in a way I have never been before

“I enrolled into the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program because I heard a calling to learn shamanism after a dark night of my soul.  I found Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® and I considered it greatly before enrolling.  As a result of undertaking this program,

Valmarie Levine
More rapid progress

“I have made more progress through the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© apprenticeship than in the last 25 years of my life studying in other mystery schools. I have learnt the importance of self-observation, nature and I have a deeper understanding of the disciplines required for me to fulfil my

Steven Lydford
Teacher, New Zealand

7 Unique Benefits You Will Experience

1. You will be studying in a true mystery school

A true mystery school provides access to both a comprehensive teaching and an initiatory structure that facilitates spiritual growth and enlightenment. In the past, this kind of teaching and structure was available to a select few. In the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® you will have an unprecedented unique access to true mystery school teachings and system of initiation. In complete alignment with the spiritual requirements of the Aquarian Age, the age of self-responsibility, you will be given access to a fully recontextualised powerful system of self-initiation. This means you will be working personally and directly with the intelligence of nature to undertake the rites of passage and the associated self-initiations of the healer.

2. You will be learning from award-winning expert Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

You will be learning directly from Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber who is a recognised spiritual teacher, healer, master alchemist, the keeper of the sacred ceremonies, award-winning vibrational medicine expert and ritual master shamaness. Franchelle’s teachings have been helping people and transforming lives around the world for over 50 years. Through this program Franchelle opens the doorway for you to access the vast pool of ancient sacred wisdom teachings of the healer.

3. You will exponentially enhance your capacity to help yourself, others and the Earth

Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© is a 2-year comprehensive dynamic formal shamanic apprenticeship with 24 original ancient rites of passage and self-initiations of the shaman. You will be guided along the proven pathway. You will be stepped through each of the 24 rites of passage of the shaman designed to help you develop the 24 soul skills, qualities and disciplines of the shaman. These soul skills, qualities and disciplines will enable you to exponentially increase your capacity to help yourself and others and the planet.

4. You will be working with unique New Zealand teacher plants to experience more rapid spiritual growth

You will be allying with the intelligence of nature to experience profound transformation and more rapid spiritual growth that is impossible through any other practice. You will be working with New Zealand native teacher plants that are the warriors of the plant kingdom. New Zealand is the only country that is home to these remarkable plants. Unlike teacher plants from other cultures, these teacher plants do not produce an altered state of consciousness. They work at a more subtle level that is far more effective in raising a person’s vibration and producing an expanded state of consciousness that enables them to experience union with their soul.

5. You will access the original ancient mystery teachings of the Goddess

When you embark on this program, you will be entering into the most ancient mystery school on the planet, the House of the Bee. The Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® is the sole custodian of the lineage teachings of the House of the Bee. These are the original sacred mystery teachings of the Goddess. This program gives you the unique ability to access and walk the legendary ‘Green Way’ of the Goddess, the high road of working with the power and intelligence of nature. This is the road that brings about personal transformation and restoration to the Earth and its people.

6. You will be joining our thriving Medicine Woman community

While your journey will be unique to you, you are not alone. Whilst every person who is called to walk the path of self-mastery and spiritual enlightenment is responsible for their own spiritual journey, when we study together, we have a group contact on the inner planes. This contact accelerates our spiritual growth. During this program you will gain access to the tools and wisdom teachings that will empower you to play a more active, intelligent and purposeful role in helping both people and the planet.

7. You will have the opportunity to participate in healing initiatives

The Medicine Woman online school has a specially dedicated sacred space for the Medicine Woman community to access and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’. The Healing Hive is a forum to give and receive healing. In this special space, you will have an opportunity to request healing for yourself or others as well as send the healing vibrations to those who need them. You will also have an opportunity to contribute your healing vibrations to the monthly global healing initiative directed by Franchelle.

Make Faster Spiritual Progress with Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® A True Mystery School

In ancient times, an aspiring spiritual seeker had to climb high mountains, cross raging rivers, navigate through dense thick forests and face numerous life threatening situations in order to have access to higher knowledge. Those who followed their spiritual calling eventually, often after very many years, were able to find their way to the doorway into a mystery school, a temple or enter into the presence of a spiritual teacher.

At this point a spiritual aspirant would undergo multiple tests set out by a spiritual teacher, which were designed to challenge and test the student’s consciousness and ascertain their commitment to the spiritual path. If the aspirant was able to pass through the tests, they would embark on a very long and very arduous journey of self-discipline and soul development under the guidance of a spiritual teacher. An aspirant would undertake a long series of rites of passage designed to gradually eliminate the dross from their consciousness and to gradually turn homo sapiens, natural human into homo spiritualis, spiritual human and ultimately into the perfected human homo deus, the god man or god woman. The journey was very slow and arduous, taking many decades and often many lifetimes, which is a non-linear pathway to self-mastery and enlightenment.

In the Aquarian Age, each person has a phenomenal opportunity to acquire the necessary self-discipline and to experience soul development while making spiritual progress at a speed that has never been hitherto possible. This opportunity is the spiritual pathway made available exclusively through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs.

Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® – The Mystery School of the Goddess, provides a proven spiritual and evolutionary pathway with a sequential series of ancient rites of passage and self-initiations that enable a person to experience and acquire exponentially higher states of consciousness at a speed that is more rapid than ever before. These series of rites of passage can be undertaken multiple times and in any order to exponentially accelerate your learning and spiritual development.

The Medicine Woman pathway is the magical high road of the Goddess, the ageless path of return back to oneness, self-mastery and enlightenment. Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® teachings are the ancient teachings of the House of the Bee, the original high mystery teachings of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine. These teachings like nature itself have a non-linear expression. This means each Medicine Woman program can be undertaken multiple times and in any order. By working with the Medicine Woman programs the opportunity is there for you to experience exponential spiritual and evolutionary growth and attain infinitely higher levels of consciousness and awareness.

Included in Your Shamanic Program

  • ANCIENT PROVEN PATHWAY: You will be undertaking the 24 rites of passage and initiations of the shaman. You will be developing and enhancing the 24 skills, soul qualities and disciplines of the shaman to enable you to exponentially increase your capacity to walk the high road of the shaman.
  • TEACHER PLANTS: You will be working with the 24 esteemed shamanic teacher plants in the form of 24 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences No’s 97-120. These teacher plants have stepped forward to be your elders, teachers, guides and initiators on the sacred path of the shaman.
  • MONTHLY SACRED TEACHINGS: You will have access to monthly sacred teachings and step-by-step instructions for undertaking your own specialised ceremonies and shamanic journeys that deepen your wisdom and capacity.
  • VIDEOS: You will have access to videos that will expand on the themes you are working with and enhance your knowledge.
  • RITUAL AND CREATION OF MAGICAL OBJECTS: You will be working with an altar and creating a shaman’s medicine necklace and using specific meditative practices to complement the metaphysical work of your program.
  • COMMUNITY SUPPORT: You will have access to community support and shamanic classrooms in the Medicine Woman online school where you can learn from others and share your experiences.
  • THE HEALING HIVE: You will have access to the Healing Hive – a specially dedicated sacred space for the Medicine Woman community to access and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’.
  • RARE FILM FOOTAGE: You will have access to the Medicine Woman online school library that houses recording of workshops and talks with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. The topics include: The Return of the Priestess, The Mystery of the Goddess, Spiritual Business, Light and Spiritual Progress and much more.
  • Q&A: QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY FRANCHELLE: You will be able to submit questions directly to Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and to access an extensive archive of Q&A’s on a range of esoteric and shamanic topics from students.
  • 24/7 ONLINE SCHOOL ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD: You will be able to access the state-of-the-art Medicine Woman online school with acient mystery teachings, community and more at any time from any of your devices from anywhere in the world.
  • STUDENT CARE AND SUPPORT: You can email our study department or access support in the Medicine Woman online school whenever you need help, so you know you are supported.
  • CERTIFICATE: Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© will be sent to you on completion and submission of the exercises to meet certificate course criteria at the end of your program.

The 24 Shamanic Teacher Plants You Will Be Working with in Your Shamanic Program

You will be working with the 24 shamanic teacher plants each month for the duration of your program. You will be doing this as part of your program by ingesting the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic essences No’s 97-120 in a specialised manner described in your program to enable you to enter into a sacred cooperative relationship with these wise elders. The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Shamanic Collection containing the 24 shamanic teacher plant essences No’s 97-120 is included in your program. These teacher plant essences will be carefully packaged and posted to your location, valued at NZ$660.

24 x First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Shamanic Essences.

These teacher plant essences are the modern-day ally for those who want to access and develop true shamanic power. They help us by sharing their great wisdom and make available for the first time in the modern age the 24 sacred rites of passage of the shaman to all who walk this path of spiritual maturation and magical power. They invite us to enter into sacred relationship with plant intelligence and re-remember the age-old green language of nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Once your program begins, you can access the monthly teachings and instructions using your web browser on any of your devices from anywhere in the world. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection.
Yes. This program is the only program of its kind. It contains the original ancient lustral rites in their recontextualised expression to help facilitate an accelerated energetic upgrade and profound shifts in consciousness. In this program you will be working with the remarkable intelligence of highly esteemed New Zealand native teacher plants that have a unique ability to produce rapid spiritual growth that is impossible through any other practice.
You can put in as much time as you wish. In order to achieve the certificate at the end of your program, we recommend you put in minimum 4 hours a week.
This program is for you, if:
• You have heard the call to step on the primordial path of the lightworker
• You feel passionate about helping the planet
• You want to experience profound transformation, empowerment and rapid spiritual growth
Yes, you can enrol now and begin the program at a later date. Simply contact our study department [email protected] to request a delayed start date.
Yes. You can receive the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© upon completion and submission of the exercises to meet certificate course criteria at the end of your program.
Yes. Medicine Woman refers to a state of consciousness or a way of thinking – it’s a way of living and being on the planet as opposed to specifically referring to the gender of an individual. All Medicine Woman programs are suitable for both men and women. We have the pleasure of having quite a number of men undertaking our programs. Male or female, young or old, if you seek to reconnect with the magic of nature and the power of the ancients in your everyday life, you will find that the Medicine Woman programs have something to offer you.
The teaching is provided in a number of different ways, with each being a vitally important part of the program and very carefully structured to ensure that you gain maximum learning in the physical as well as the metaphysical realm. During the course of the program you will be working dynamically and cooperatively with the remarkable intelligence of the highly esteemed New Zealand native teacher plants that have stepped forward as your wise elders, teachers and initiators. You will have access to comprehensive ancient mystery teachings, instructions and videos relevant for your studies. The Medicine Woman online school also provides a great platform for connecting with other students, sharing and learning.
The Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® teachings are universal in their approach and application.
Yes, Medicine Woman online school provides comprehensive support for all students enrolled into Medicine Woman programs.
Within the Medicine Woman online school you will have access to multiple areas, including:
• Common Room where you can connect with the elders and all other students
• Specialised Classrooms where you can engage with others and share your experiences with your fellow students who are doing the same program
• The Library with unique content
• Program Content areas are where you can view videos and read teaching material
• The Ask Franchelle area is where you can submit your questions to Franchelle and read answers to all previously answered questions
• The Healing Hive, a space where you can request healing for yourself or others
No. New Zealand is the only country in the world that is home to the warriors of the plant kingdom. Unlike teacher plants from other cultures, these warrior teacher plants are not psychotropic and do not create a hallucinogenic effect. They work at a more subtle level that is far more effective in raising a person's vibration and producing an expanded state of consciousness.
No. You can undertake this program without any prior knowledge or experience. You will be carefully guided along the path and you will receive the step-by-step instruction to be able to undertake the original ancient lustral rites of the lightworker.
An apprentice is a person who is acquiring new skills under the guidance of an expert for a period of time for a specific purpose. You would be an apprentice as you are studying and working under clear guidelines as part of a structured program and learning from highly esteemed New Zealand native teacher plants each month.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® master teacher plant essences are preserved with brandy. At this stage it is not possible to manufacture our products to their consistently high standard without the use of alcohol. If you are sensitive to alcohol, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® master teacher plant essences can be ‘flashed’ by pouring just-off-the-boil water onto them, to effectively evaporate the alcohol content. Choosing to ingest First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® master teacher plant essences is a personal choice and each individual's personal responsibility.
Yes. The teacher plant essences you will be working with come from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range. This is the first flower essence range in the world that has a universal approach. This means they are suitable and equally beneficial for people all over the world.

You can undertake the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs from any country. We have a global community of students who are successfully undertaking the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs from different parts of the world, including USA, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, Thailand and many others.
Yes, you can undertake the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs while travelling. You will need to make sure you have access to Wi-Fi so that you can access your study materials inside the Medicine Woman online school. You will also need to plan ahead to make sure you have everything on hand to carry out the rituals and ceremonies included in your program. We have many students who have successfully undertaken the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs while travelling.
Due to the considerable logistical demands and requirements inherent in each Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® program we recommend that a person only enrol for one course at a time. Each of the programs have a different focus and objective within consciousness and there is a time honoured progression of development used in true mystery schools to ensure that safe, structured, balanced and rapid spiritual development unfolds. Whilst this is our recommendation The Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® understands that each person is a unique individual with their own requirements and capacities. Each student is the best judge as to how they choose to work with the training programs we provide. It is each student’s responsibility to practice self-monitoring and to take full accountability for their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing throughout the duration of their studies.

What Happens After You Order

Secure check out page


Choose your payment option and click Add to Cart below. You will be taken to a Secure Order Page.

Log into your account


Order confirmation will be sent to you. Our study department will send you your login details before the New Moon. Your teacher plant essences will be posted to your address.

Enjoy your new program


Your program begins on the New Moon. You can access the program material for each lunar month the day prior to the New Moon. Don’t worry we will send you email reminders. Enjoy the journey!

Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©
Begins on New Moon Enrol Now!

BEST VALUE: Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© (program + teacher plant essences)

Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone

NZ$2,998 one single payment


Includes 2 year online program with 24 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic teacher plant essences.

Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic© (five monthly payments + teacher plant essences)

Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone

NZ$3,460 over 5 monthly payments


First payment NZ$1,200 + 4 monthly payments of NZ$565
Includes 2 year online program with 24 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic teacher plant essences.

Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic© Studies (three monthly payments + teacher plant essences)

Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone

NZ$3,308 over 3 monthly payments


First payment NZ$1,200 + 2 monthly payments of NZ$1,054
Includes 2 year online program with 24 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® shamanic teacher plant essences.
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We are thrilled that you are enrolling into one of our exclusive state of the art online programs.
You are entering into a true mystery school. Our courses are a structured and proven pathway for serious and committed students.

While we are committed to providing state-of-the art information and a structured educational pathway to our students, each student is required to practise self-responsibility by taking full responsibility for their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing for the duration of the program and ensuring they have appropriate support structures in place. To confirm your understanding of this requirement please tick the box below.

Click submit to add to cart and complete the checkout process.

If you choose no, you may not be eligible to study in this program.

We are thrilled that you are enrolling into one of our exclusive state of the art online programs.
You are entering into a true mystery school. Our courses are a structured and proven pathway for serious and committed students.

While we are committed to providing state-of-the art information and a structured educational pathway to our students, each student is required to practise self-responsibility by taking full responsibility for their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing for the duration of the program and ensuring they have appropriate support structures in place. To confirm your understanding of this requirement please tick the box below.

Click submit to add to cart and complete the checkout process.

If you choose no, you may not be eligible to study in this program.

We are thrilled that you are enrolling into one of our exclusive state of the art online programs.
You are entering into a true mystery school. Our courses are a structured and proven pathway for serious and committed students.

While we are committed to providing state-of-the art information and a structured educational pathway to our students, each student is required to practise self-responsibility by taking full responsibility for their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing for the duration of the program and ensuring they have appropriate support structures in place. To confirm your understanding of this requirement please tick the box below.

Click submit to add to cart and complete the checkout process.

If you choose no, you may not be eligible to study in this program.