Sacred Multi-Fold Purpose of Medicine Woman Online Classrooms

The Medicine Woman online school provides access to the true mystery school teachings and as such has a very specific sacred multi-fold purpose.

In ancient times these teachings were shrouded in great secrecy and only a small group of select people were able to successfully pass through the necessary rites of passage to be granted access to them.

With the turning of the ages, these wisdom teachings have been brought out from behind the veil. They have now been made universally available to anyone who wishes to walk the great magical high road of working with nature to facilitate spiritual awakening, achieve self-actualisation and attain true enlightenment.

Group contact on the inner planes

Whilst every person who is called to walk the path of self-mastery and spiritual enlightenment is responsible for their own spiritual journey, when we study together, we have a group contact on the inner planes.

This contact accelerates our spiritual growth.

Each classroom is a sacred container that has a multi-fold purpose

1. The online classrooms are where there is a sharing of the wisdom of the teacher plants or planetary and zodiacal energies, and personal experiences and insights – leaving a legacy.

Our students enter into a sacred and dynamic relationship with powerful teacher plants or planetary and zodiacal energies for the duration of their program.

These teacher plants and planetary and zodiacal energies are their allies from nature and the cosmos.

By sharing their individual insights and experiences in the classroom, our students become ancestors to the students that will come after them. They are creating a true legacy by leaving a trail for those that follow behind.

Their experiences will assist others and will live on in other people’s hearts and minds for many years to come.

2. Acknowledging and supporting the uniqueness of each person’s experience

The teacher plants and planetary and zodiacal energies work in many ways and while the main themes or lessons for each one remain the same for each student, everyone’s experience and rite of passage is different and unique to them.

As each rite of passage is passed the students acquire greater levels of wisdom and power related to the spiritual or magical journey they on.

For example:

  1. The students in the lightworkers apprenticeship program are working with master teacher plants to create the crystalline body and actively stand for peace by restoring peace in their own lives and the lives of others.
  2. The students in the healers apprenticeship program are working with healers teacher plants to develop the 12 soul skills of the healer to be able to assist more people without taking on other’s energies and burning out.
  3. The students in the shamanic apprenticeship program are working with shamanic teacher plants to develop the 24 shamanic soul skills of the shaman to be able to restore harmony and balance to people, places and things and create order where there is chaos.
  4. The students in the advanced shamanic apprenticeship program are working with master teacher plants to acquire the 24 advanced spiritual skills and disciplines of the master shaman to be able to become an active dynamic force for spirit in the world and blaze a pathway to a new and better world.
  5. The students in the magical apprenticeship program are working with the celestial planetary energies in the form of high frequency alchemical elixirs and magical rituals to awaken the divine powers within and to ‘purpose good’ in their world, the world and in the greater universe.
  6. The students in the alchemical apprenticeship program are working with the celestial zodiacal energies in the form of high frequency alchemical elixirs and magical rituals to journey into the heart of the cosmos and experience the true nature of love.

3. Acting as a mirror for our students

The classrooms also work to act like mirrors for our students.

The classrooms have been created to be a sacred space where a person has the opportunity through their teacher plant or planetary and zodiacal energy experiences to see themselves more clearly, to reflect back to themselves and so be more objective about themselves.

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