Magical Jewellery

Eighth Ray Ritual Magic® Sacred Jewellery and Amulets

Throughout the ages, special objects that have been imbued with power have been traditionally used by the ritual magician to enhance and facilitate their work. They are often ornate and well crafted taking on the shapes, texture, and materials that hold deep alchemical meaning and significance.

Eighth Ray Ritual Magic® jewellery, amulets and power objects are exclusive custom made magical ritual item that have been hand crafted by master craftspeople. Each piece is totally unique.

Each individual ritual item is empowered and inspirited by Master Shamaness and High Priestess of the ancient people Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. When an item has been inspirited, it becomes an object of power, enlivened and empowered by spirit. This is a magically complicated and lengthy process which enables your ritual item to be ready for Eighth Ray Ritual Magic® and to ensure it is of the highest integrity and fit for sacred purpose.

These powerful sacred amulets and jewellery are specially designed for everyday empowerment, protection and to amplify your focus and highest intentions. Wear everyday at home, at work or when going out. They are also designed for sacred ritual and magical purpose such as the work an Eighth Ray Ritual Magic® performs within the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© and Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© online programs.

Sacred protective energy that supports me fully

"When I saw the Octopus Blue Sodalite amulet for the first time I felt drawn to it. The link to Isis Septet through this amulet is what seemed to be calling me. When it arrived to me, holding it in my hand I could sense the magical power and connection to higher sources. When I am wearing this amulet I feel a sacred protective energy that supports me fully and directly links me into a higher power. I feel more empowered, in tune and it brings me into a space of neutrality very quickly. It is like I step into my true magical self whenever I wear this amulet. I feel like my aura shines brighter when I wear it."

Katrina Nilsen
Hairstylist and Energy Healer, Tauranga, New Zealand


I feel like the Goddess

"From the first time that I saw the Isis-Urania Lapis Lazuli and Moonstone Lamen amulet I knew that I had to wear it as it was a part of me. When I first put it on it felt like it belonged to me. I feel like the Goddess when I wear it. I also have had many comments while wearing it and was told that it definitely suits me."

Kerrie Morrissey,
Crystal Healer and Wellness Consultant, New Zealand




Resonates with my heart

"When I wore the Octopus Clear Quartz amulet for the first time I felt a connection with One tribe. It was a sense of purpose, and responsibility for service. I felt I am standing for the Sacred. The amethyst eyes of the Octopus amulet feel charged with divine light which is forever powerful. Whenever I am wearing this amulet, I feel it resonates with my heart. Its vibration eliminates all and everything that doesn’t serve the highest intention to 'purpose good' and to keep pure in heart. It makes me feel aligned and strong instantly. It makes me feel I have come home and be one with an ancient healing power."

Sumi Asano
Energy Healer and Flower Essence Practitioner, Whitianga, New Zealand


I have a trusted and loving ‘best friend’.

"It was jolly exciting to receive and open my taonga, the day it arrived from Aotearoa, New Zealand. My first thoughts were ‘this is real’, very much real. To see, touch and feel such beauty, power and magic was overwhelming yet calming to my senses, those ‘many arms I have seen in my dreaming time’ I now hold in my hands is here with me, for me.

Wearing my Octopus Clear Quartz Amulet and taking it out into my physical world has been an experience of compliments, stares and a whole lot of questions. I would smile or say ‘thank you’. Going through immigration custom airports domestic and overseas is more relaxing now that I have a trusted and loving ‘best friend’. I wear it with aroha, I wear it with respect, I wear it cause I know it is what it is my strength. And so my story continues today and all the tomorrows."

Elaine Scoon
Liberated Grandmother, Perth, Australia


I have a sense of grounding and stability

"I feel very fortunate I have my Octopus Clear Quartz Amulet with garnet eyes. This amulet has weight and solidity. When I wear it I have a sense of grounding and stability, a centredness to my being. I like that the chain design gives me the option to wear it either long or short. It is a unique style of jewellery that draws comments from other people when they notice it - it can be a great conversation-starter."

Shirley Smeaton
Financial Analyst, Tauranga, New Zealand



Whenever I am wearing my amulet I step into my true magical self

"When I cast my eyes on the Octopus Blue Sodalite Amulet the first time, my whole body was filled with energy. When I first wore it, I knew there was a profound journey about to begin. We have travelled through the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© together and this magical relationship has intensified. Whenever I am wearing my amulet I step into my true magical self. I like wearing it when I am working with clients. There are days when I am out in the world and my amulet will let me know if it is to accompany me whether for protection or that someone or somewhere is in need of the healing light."

Gill Williamson
First Light® Flower Essences and Well Being Practitioner, New Zealand

I love my Octopus Blue Sodalite amulet

"When I touched the Octopus Blue Sodalite amulet for the first time I felt I had been reacquainted with a long lost faithful old friend. I literally felt my heart fill to the brim. When I am wearing this amulet I feel held and protected energetically. I had one experience that I am sooo grateful to have been wearing my Octopus Blue Sodalite amulet. It worked as an energetic shield and I felt safe and energetically protected. I love, love, love my Octopus Blue Sodalite amulet. It is like having a best friend at my side always."

Yvonna Taylor
EC Teacher, Fairlie, New Zealand



Opened my eyes to the power of the Goddess

"When I first opened the Isis-Urania Crystal Wand it felt incredibly powerful. The first time I used the Isis-Urania Crystal Wand in the eighth ray rituals I had a life changing experience. When I first used the wand to blow through the worlds I could see clearly the planes/realms/worlds open up and the spirit breath of light move through them. This whole experience was life changing in so many ways and opened my eyes to the power of working on the eighth ray, the ray of the Goddess."

Kim Ahrens
Flower Essences Practitioner, New Zealand



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