Medicine Woman
Rite of the Six Moons©
The 24 Sacred Lustral Rites of the Lightworker
Experience an intensive energetic upgrade,
purification and profound shifts in consciousness
28 Week Online Program
Available Exclusively Through The Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®
Begins on New Moon
new moon date
Helping to Dream a New World into Being
Lightworkers are the children of the Sun, the water bearers of the world, the highly sensitive souls. They have come in to work at a higher level and to help dream a new world into being.
They are unique children of light, whose journey began aeons ago in the stars. These special people have heard the call from spirit to follow a spiritual pathway into the deepest mysteries of nature and on into the mysteries of light and life itself.
Embarking on the journey of the lightworker takes courage. In ancient times, the aspiring lightworker would begin their journey by undergoing an energetic self-purification process.
This process was designed to cleanse, purify and upgrade their consciousness so that they would be ready to receive higher levels of guidance and insight. It was designed to help a lightworker to build an adamantine will which enabled them to follow their unique destiny.
Purification with High Frequency Light
In the 21st century, the same kind of energetic self-purification process can be done using high frequency stellar light. This process is facilitated by specialised families of New Zealand native master teacher plants. When taken using ancient protocols, they quite literally ‘flood’ your consciousness with high frequency light which then facilitates the process of rapid spiritual upgrade and energetic purification. This profoundly enhances your capacity for self-realisation and enables you to reconnect with your destiny as a lightworker.
If you have heard the call of your spirit to follow your inner star and shine your light in the world, you are called to follow ancient and legendary pathway of the lightworker.
"I invite you to step on the primordial path of the lightworker to experience an intensive energetic upgrade and to reconnect with your unique destiny. Journey through the 28-week lightworker’s apprenticeship program under the watchful guidance of master teacher plants to experience an enlightening influx of high frequency stellar light in your chakras, aura and DNA.
I look forward to welcoming you into the global Medicine Woman Online School community and sharing with you the universal original ancient mystery teachings of the lightworker."
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Upgrading the Power of the Lightworker
Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© available exclusively through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® is the original ancient lustral self-purification and self-transformation process. It is the most sophisticated energetic cleansing and purification process of its kind. The focus of this 28-week program is to facilitate a quantum upgrading of the power of the lightworker.
You will be taken on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation that will guide you to experience rapid and profound shifts in consciousness. As each stage of the journey is passed, your capacity to hold, link into and express ever-greater levels of light is increased.
This program is for you if:
- You want to discover and follow your inner star
- You are ready to experience an accelerated spiritual upgrade and purification
- You want to develop greater courage and clarity to live your unique destiny
- You feel passionate about helping the Earth and her people
Is This Program Right for You?
This program is for you if:
- You know that you are here to make a difference
- You are ready to break out of the limitations of the natural human, Homo sapiens, and rapidly evolve into Homo luminous, the transpersonally enlightened radiant light-filled human
Experience an Intensive Energetic Upgrade, Purification and Rapid Spiritual Growth Working with Master Teacher Plants
On your lightworker journey, you will be reuniting with powerful spiritual allies from nature. You will be working with the remarkable intelligence of New Zealand native teacher plants in the form of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchid, fern ally and sacred mountain grass essences to ‘excite light into form’ and to anchor higher light frequencies into all aspects of your being.
Working with these very special high order master teacher plants will enable you to exponentially raise your vibration and energetically modify and upgrade your being on all levels – understanding that in doing so you are assisting the Earth.
You will be entering into sacred relationship with these wise and powerful master teacher plants, to:
- Revivify your chakras to enable higher frequency energies of stellar light to flow into your being so you can move to higher levels of expression
- Purify and cleanse the layers of the aura to develop enhanced interconnectedness with everything that exists
- Upgrade your DNA to experience transcendence and move beyond the limitations of the physical world
- Energetically cleanse and upgrade yourself so you can hold greater levels of light and ground it into the world
- Create, sustain and maintain sacred space to restore peace in your life and in the world
- Develop 4 vital disciplines, powers and capacities that define the lightworker
- Work with the lunar cycle to flow with the tides of power and maximise your spiritual transformation and growth
- Become the sower of the seeds of light and restore the sacred relationship with life
- Walk in balance so you can bring balance to others, nature and the planet
What You Will Be Learning
The Original Lustral Rites of the Lightworker
Through working with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchid, fern ally and sacred mountain grass essences as your master teacher plants and the ceremony of Activating the Lightworkers Talisman of Power, you will develop the spiritual qualities and disciplines of the lightworker for the following objectives:
- Working to serve the greater light
- Dedicating or re-dedicating yourself to the powers of light
- Opening to guidance from nature and spirit in service to light
- Joining together in spirit with fellow light workers across the planet
- Linking into the wisdom of the plant kingdom
- Acknowledging and honouring the teacher plant elders
- Formally stepping or re-stepping into the role of the lightworker
- Committing yourself to the work of personal purification
- Demonstrating the unconquerable power of light in your own life
- Actively working to restore peace into your own life and the lives of others
- Standing for peace
- Working to create the crystalline body
Talk To Us
Do you have a question?
Want to make sure this program is right for you?
Want to talk about a payment plan?
We are happy to help
Email us at [email protected]
or book a 20min free Discovery Call
What Our Students Say
From fearful and logical into joyful and magical
“The Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program was a magical experience from day one. As this magic unfolded with synchronicities and unexpected events all along, my response to the challenges of life gradually became more spontaneous. This program has transformed my relationship to life from the fearful, logical
I have found myself
“I have found myself!! My life as I have known it for 37 years with my partner has changed and will never be the same again. Doing the Medicine Woman Certificate in Rite of the Six Moons© program has given me a taste of what is to come and I
I’ve become fully committed to my spiritual growth
“I enroled into the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program because it just felt like the right thing to do. When I started, I had no job security, but I just cranked up my faith and put this first. Completing this program has enabled me to become fully
Clarity, resolution and drive have occurred
“Completing the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program has been a very powerful experience. Working so consistently with the master teacher plants has taught me to appreciate the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle!) way these master teacher plant essences can interact at a spiritual, energetic and physical
Feeling much lighter in myself
“I have thoroughly enjoyed undertaking the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© program for the second time. I chose this shorter course as I wasn’t ready to commit to a longer one but knew that I would benefit in my daily life having a teacher plant and the programme
7 Unique Benefits You Will Experience
1. You will be studying in a true mystery school
A true mystery school provides access to both a comprehensive teaching and an initiatory structure that facilitates spiritual growth and enlightenment. In the past, this kind of teaching and structure was available to a select few. In the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® you will have an unprecedented unique access to true mystery school teachings and system of initiation. In complete alignment with the spiritual requirements of the Aquarian Age, the age of self-responsibility, you will be given access to a fully recontextualised powerful system of self-initiation. This means you will be working personally and directly with the intelligence of nature to undertake the rites of passage and the associated self-initiations of the lightworker.
2. You will be learning from award-winning expert Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
3. You will enhance your capacity to hold, link into and express more light
Medicine Woman Certificate in Rite of the Six Moons© is a 28-week dynamic energetic cleansing and purification process. This program contains the original ancient recontextualised lustral rites of self-purification. You will be guided along the proven pathway to ‘excite light into form’ and to anchor higher light frequencies into all aspects of your being. This will enable you to increase your capacity to hold, link into and express ever-greater levels of light.
4. You will be working with unique New Zealand teacher plants to experience more rapid spiritual growth
You will be allying with the intelligence of nature to experience profound transformation and more rapid spiritual growth that is impossible through any other practice. You will be working with New Zealand native teacher plants that are the warriors of the plant kingdom. New Zealand is the only country that is home to these remarkable plants. Unlike teacher plants from other cultures, these teacher plants do not produce an altered state of consciousness. They work at a more subtle level that is far more effective in raising a person’s vibration and producing an expanded state of consciousness that enables them to experience union with their soul.
5. You will access the original ancient mystery teachings of the Goddess
When you embark on this program, you will be entering into the most ancient mystery school on the planet, the House of the Bee. The Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® is the sole custodian of the lineage teachings of the House of the Bee. These are the original sacred mystery teachings of the Goddess. This program gives you the unique ability to access and walk the legendary ‘Green Way’ of the Goddess, the high road of working with the power and intelligence of nature. This is the road that brings about personal transformation and restoration to the Earth and its people.
6. You will be joining our thriving Medicine Woman community
7. You will have the opportunity to participate in healing initiatives
The Medicine Woman online school has a specially dedicated sacred space for the Medicine Woman community to access and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’. The Healing Hive is a forum to give and receive healing. In this special space, you will have an opportunity to request healing for yourself or others as well as send the healing vibrations to those who need them. You will also have an opportunity to contribute your healing vibrations to the monthly global healing initiative directed by Franchelle.
Make Faster Spiritual Progress with Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® A True Mystery School
In ancient times, an aspiring spiritual seeker had to climb high mountains, cross raging rivers, navigate through dense thick forests and face numerous life threatening situations in order to have access to higher knowledge. Those who followed their spiritual calling eventually, often after very many years, were able to find their way to the doorway into a mystery school, a temple or enter into the presence of a spiritual teacher.
At this point a spiritual aspirant would undergo multiple tests set out by a spiritual teacher, which were designed to challenge and test the student’s consciousness and ascertain their commitment to the spiritual path. If the aspirant was able to pass through the tests, they would embark on a very long and very arduous journey of self-discipline and soul development under the guidance of a spiritual teacher. An aspirant would undertake a long series of rites of passage designed to gradually eliminate the dross from their consciousness and to gradually turn homo sapiens, natural human into homo spiritualis, spiritual human and ultimately into the perfected human homo deus, the god man or god woman. The journey was very slow and arduous, taking many decades and often many lifetimes, which is a non-linear pathway to self-mastery and enlightenment.
In the Aquarian Age, each person has a phenomenal opportunity to acquire the necessary self-discipline and to experience soul development while making spiritual progress at a speed that has never been hitherto possible. This opportunity is the spiritual pathway made available exclusively through the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs.
Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® – The Mystery School of the Goddess, provides a proven spiritual and evolutionary pathway with a sequential series of ancient rites of passage and self-initiations that enable a person to experience and acquire exponentially higher states of consciousness at a speed that is more rapid than ever before. These series of rites of passage can be undertaken multiple times and in any order to exponentially accelerate your learning and spiritual development.
The Medicine Woman pathway is the magical high road of the Goddess, the ageless path of return back to oneness, self-mastery and enlightenment. Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® teachings are the ancient teachings of the House of the Bee, the original high mystery teachings of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine. These teachings like nature itself have a non-linear expression. This means each Medicine Woman program can be undertaken multiple times and in any order. By working with the Medicine Woman programs the opportunity is there for you to experience exponential spiritual and evolutionary growth and attain infinitely higher levels of consciousness and awareness.
Included in Your Rite of the Six Moons© Program
- ANCIENT PROVEN PATHWAY: You will be undertaking the 28-week intensive self-purification process to experience rapid energetic upgrade and profound shifts in consciousness.
- MONTHLY SACRED TEACHINGS: You will have access to monthly sacred teachings and step-by-step instructions for undertaking your own specialised ceremonies and journeys that deepen your spiritual transformation and upgrade.
- VIDEOS: You will have access to videos that will expand on the themes you are working with and enhance your knowledge.
- RITUAL AND CREATION OF MAGICAL OBJECTS: You will be working with an altar, creating a lightworkers talisman of power and using specialised chants to complement the metaphysical work of your program.
- COMMUNITY SUPPORT: You will have access to community support and specialised classrooms in the Medicine Woman online school where you can learn from others and share your experiences.
- THE HEALING HIVE: You will have access to the Healing Hive – a specially dedicated sacred space for the Medicine Woman community to access and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’.
- RARE FILM FOOTAGE: You will have access to the Medicine Woman online school library that houses recordings of workshops and talks with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. The topics include: The Return of the Priestess, The Mystery of the Goddess, Spiritual Business, Light and Spiritual Progress and much more.
- Q&A: QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY FRANCHELLE: You will be able to submit questions directly to Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and to access an extensive archive of Q&A’s on a range of esoteric and spiritual topics from students.
- 24/7 ONLINE SCHOOL ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD:You will be able to access the state-of-the-art Medicine Woman online school with ancient mystery teachings, community and more at any time from any of your devices from anywhere in the world.
- STUDENT CARE AND SUPPORT: You can email our study department or access support in the Medicine Woman online school whenever you need help, so you know you are always supported.
- CERTIFICATE: Medicine Woman Certificate in Rite of the Six Moons© will be sent to you on completion and submission of the exercises to meet certificate course criteria at the end of your program.
The 24 Master Teacher Plants You Will Be Working with in Your Rite of the Six Moons Program
- 8 x First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Orchid Essences. These master teacher plant essences are elixirs of spiritual light that hold the divine eightfold-energies of transpersonal stellar consciousness. They work to increase the presence of spirit in the life by re-vivifying the individual chakras to their full stellar function. They hold the sacred vibrations of the transpersonally enlightened consciousness and direct and control the kundalini, the sacred serpent power to provide a safe accessible spiritual pathway to transpersonal enlightenment. These orchid essences gently dissolve the inner seals of the chakras to enable higher frequency energies in the form of stellar light to flow into the holistic being so the individual can move to higher expanded levels of awareness.
- 8 x First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Fern Ally Essences. These master teacher plant essences help to build and vitalise the bands of power in the aura, which enables sacred magical relationships with the guardians and nature to be formed. They take us to a place of reverence for all life and enhance our capacity to act as protectors and guardians of the natural world. They help us to reconnect with the oneness of all life and experience the heart energy of caring for everything that exists.
- 8 x First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Sacred Mountain Grass Essences. These master teacher plant essences are alchemical elixirs of spiritual transcendence, known as ‘Blessings on the Wind’. These master teacher plant essences are an invitation for stellar light to come into the DNA and energetically upgrade it. The essences anchor stellar light into the respective layers of DNA.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I access the program on any of my devices from anywhere?
I have done other spiritual programs, am I still going to gain value from this program?
How much time do I have to put in every week?
Who is this program for? Is it right for me?
• You have heard the call to step on the primordial path of the lightworker
• You feel passionate about helping the planet
• You want to experience profound transformation, empowerment and rapid spiritual growth
What if I cannot start immediately? Can I still enrol?
Will I get a certificate at the end?
Is this Medicine Woman program suitable for men?
How is teaching provided?
Is this program based on a certain tradition or culture?
Is there support during the length of the program?
Within the Medicine Woman online school you will have access to multiple areas, including:
• Common Room where you can connect with the elders and all other students
• Specialised Classrooms where you can engage with others and share your experiences with your fellow students who are doing the same program
• The Library with unique content
• Program Content areas are where you can view videos and read teaching material
• The Ask Franchelle area is where you can submit your questions to Franchelle and read answers to all previously answered questions
• The Healing Hive, a space where you can request healing for yourself or others
Are your master teacher plant essences hallucinogenic?
Are there any prerequisites to this program? Do I need to have any prior knowledge?
I am wondering what it means to be an apprentice while studying?
Do your master teacher plant essences contain alcohol?
Is doing this program and working with New Zealand teacher plants going to benefit me if I am living outside of New Zealand?
You can undertake the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs from any country. We have a global community of students who are successfully undertaking the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs from different parts of the world, including USA, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, Thailand and many others.
Can I undertake this program while travelling?
Can I do more than one Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® program at a time?
What Happens After You Order
Secure check out page
Choose your payment option and click Add to Cart below. You will be taken to a Secure Order Page.
Log into your account
Order confirmation will be sent to you. Our study department will send you your login details before the New Moon. Your teacher plant essences will be posted to your address.
Enjoy your new program
Your program begins on the New Moon. You can access the program material for each lunar month the day prior to the New Moon. Don’t worry we will send you email reminders. Enjoy the journey!
Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons©
Begins on Enrol Now!
BEST VALUE: Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons©
(program + teacher plant essences)
Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone
Medicine Woman Rite Of The Six Moons© (program fee only)
Get access to the program online on any of your devices: Android, iOS, desktop, tablet, smartphone