7 Shamanic Lessons from the Natural World

When I was child, my mother often took me on long walks through the New Zealand bush. I felt an unexplainable connection to the treesand the earth beneath my feet. Those moments sparked my interest in diving deeply into the mysterious world of shamanism later in life. Journeying between the worlds and communicating with the

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Do you know what a Tree Telegraph is?

Do you know what a Tree Telegraph is? You may be familiar with the term Bush Telegraph. The term ‘bush telegraph’ is said to originate in the Australian outback. It symbolises the way information is rapidly and efficiently disseminated among the inhabitants of these regions, often surpassing conventional communication methods in speed and effectiveness. But

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How to Maximise the Christmas Energetic Upgrade – My Top 3 Tips

📺 Video: My Top 3 Tips https://youtu.be/K4Db4iuyIwA Every year around this time of the year, I watch people starting to get into what is commonly known as ‘the Christmas madness’ or ‘Christmas rush’. A few years ago I recorded a video about what Christmas time is actually all about from an esoteric perspective. I want to

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Sit in My Medicine Circle – Receive Shamanic Wisdom

In my role as High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School®, one of my responsibilities is to disseminate the sacred teachings associated with my lineage.  These lineage teachings consist of 12 sacred strands of knowledge that come down this line since the beginning of time. They include the secrets of shamanism, healing, ritual,

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OCTOBER 2023 – LIVE EVENT WITH FRANCHELLE OFSOSKE-WYBER: HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach Certificate Training Residential Workshop Retreat, Tauhara, Taupo, New Zealand

A rare and very special opportunity to train live in-person with the Creator of HypnoSuccess®Soul Coach, Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach Certificate Training ENROLLING NOW LIMITED SPACES UNLOCK THE POWER TO TRANSFORM LIVES AND CREATE SUCCESS IN YOUR LIFE AND IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS HypnoSuccess® Soul Coaching is a state-of-the-art, totally unique and revolutionary

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Become a Real Magician – A Warrior of Light

RITUAL MAGICIAN SERIES The souls who have heard the call to walk a ritualised magical path to awaken their innate divine powers are the Eighth Ray ritual magicians, the real magicians who are the warriors of light.  An Eighth Ray magician works with sacred ritual practices, the ancient art of alchemy and the unconquerable magic

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Become Fearless

Many people that I encounter have a personality-based relationship with life, which, more often than not, is a fear-based, reactionary and disempowering relationship with life. This is a relationship with life where a person experiences themselves as a victim of fate. Life happens to them. They often feel that life is unfair.  SHIFTING FROM FEAR This is because

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Play Your Important Role in Restoring Order in the World

As our physical world becomes increasingly more chaotic, uncertain and disorderly, there is an ever greater need for the souls who are called to walk the shamanic path.  These are the special group of souls who are called to walk the path of serviceto do the sacred work of restoring order in the world. The shaman’s sacred work

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What is Real Magic? Moving Energy to Shape Reality

RITUAL MAGICIAN SERIES By working with real magic in our lives we can change the very fabric of our universe and shape our reality.  We can become the divine beings, the true gods and goddesses that we were created to be. We can move energy and be the movers and shakers of our own world and in the world. 

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Spiritual Evolution, the Planet Uranus and the Aquarian Age

As you may know, once a month I set time aside to personally answer questions that my students post in the Medicine Woman Online School. The Q&A’s cover many topics, such as: how to achieve cosmic oneness shamanic practice and hypnosis Kundalini energy and metaphysical birthing clearing stuck energies and many other spiritual and esoteric topics that

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Clear Your Space – Uplift Your Mood

RITUAL MAGICIAN SERIES You can enhance your spiritual sensitivity, uplift your mood and imbue your space and energy field with beautifully fragrant sacred Holy Smoke Ritual Incenses. These sacred ritual incenses are made with alchemical blends of specially selected aromatic resins, plants and essential oils. Burning these ritual incenses keys you directly into the powers of the cosmos and elemental realm to create a magical energetic

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Increasing the Flow of Spirit in the Life

In our lightworker’s program, Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moon©,  students work with three special families of high frequency master teacher plant essences that facilitate spiritual transformation, spiritual transmutation and spiritual transcendence. They enable the student to experience a rapid energetic upgrade and a quantum leap in consciousness. One of these families is the First

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Your High Sensitivity Is Your Superpower – Use It!

Did you know that your high sensitivity is one of your superpowers? Your gift of high sensitivity enables you to hear, see, sense and feel what exists in true reality, the reality beyond the three-dimensional world of physical senses. With your supersensory superpower you can: More easily navigate the challenges of the physical world with

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Energetic Protection and the Art of Being Invisible

Traditionally, a very important aspect of the apprentice healer’s training was learning how to develop the soul quality, discipline and art of creating powerful energetic protection for themselves at will. BECOMING ENERGETICALLY INVISIBLE In ancient traditions of the healer-shaman, the skill of energetic self-protection was also seen to be as the art of becoming energetically

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Then and Now: Access to True Mystery School Teachings

In ancient times, those who followed their spiritual calling, went through many physical, and often life-threatening, trials and tribulations in order to gain and be granted access to true mystery school teachings. FACING CHALLENGES, TESTS AND TRIALS They had to climb high mountains, cross raging rivers and face numerous physically challenging situations. Those who followed their

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The Healing Hive and a Healing ‘Hum’

Did you know that in our Medicine Woman school, you have a unique opportunity to be part of the Healing Hive? The Healing Hive is a specially dedicated sacred space in our online school where each student can participate in and benefit from the power of the collective coming together and creating a ‘Healing Hum’. From an esoteric point of view, the

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The 12 Essential Skills of the Healer That Can Prevent ‘Healers’ Burnout

As I have mentioned before in my newsletters, articles and videos, what causes so many healers and empaths to feel overwhelmed, tired, exhausted and eventually burnt out is their special innate sensitivity to other people’s feelings, thoughts and energies. In this article I am sharing with you the 12 common signs that, if left unaddressed lead healers and empaths to

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Tap into the Magic of the Moon

MOON PHASES AND INNER TRANSFORMATION, TRANSMUTATION AND TRANSCENDENCE Moon phases and their associated powers have been used in mystery school teachings for centuries and when worked with skilfully and intelligently, they can help us to access deeper levels of spiritual power. Moon phases act as our guides for inner transformation and personal growth, and they are vital

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Avoiding the Side Effects of Hallucinogenic Shamanic Teacher Plants

A common question I get asked about the teacher plants our shamanic students work with is are they hallucinogenic? The answer is No. THE OLD SHAMANIC TRADITIONS AND HALLUCINOGENIC PLANTS In the old shamanic traditions the shaman often worked with plants that were hallucinogenic or psychotropic to receive wisdom and guidance from the plant and to access altered states

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How Does the Shaman Get Super Human Abilities?

We are truly living during very interesting times that present us with great opportunity. We live in a world where anyone can claim to be anything, where anything goes and pretty much everything is instant and only a ‘google search’ away.  You do not need to go too far to find a plethora of misinformation and

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Access the Magical Version of Your Everyday Reality

Would you like to live in the magical version of everyday reality?  Not the mundane, colourless and boring world that most people experience in their daily life. But a truly alive, dynamic and magical version of the each moment, a world beyond the three-dimensional reality, where magical things take place. In this world, you can see past

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Co-Creatively Ride the Winds of Change

The first month of the year carries powerful pioneering and initiating energies that set the tone and the direction for the next 12 months. It is no surprise many people find this time of year to be very conducive to setting personal resolutions and goals. While you may have already taken the time to set

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Increase the Flow of Spirit in Your Life

In ancient times, a person who was ready to embark on a spiritual journey, a quest or a pathway with rites of passage and initiations, would usually undergo a special self-purification process to cleanse and purify their consciousness so that they would be ready to receive higher levels of guidance and insight.   SELF-PURIFICATION IN

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A Lifelong Road Map For The Soul

From ancient to modern times an awareness of the human soul has been an integral part of humankind’s history. For aeons, core essential elements of the soul’s epic and heroic journey have been portrayed in the myths, fables, children’s fairy stories, folk tales and songs. The powerful wisdom embedded within the stories of the soul

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Be Dynamically Receptive to Divine Will

On both physical and metaphysical levels, the Medicine Woman Online School is so much more than a digital platform for students to access their study materials.  The Medicine Woman Online School has many ‘rooms’, one of these ‘rooms’ is where students can submit their questions directly to me, and once a month, I answer these

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Do Not Be Mediocre

Have you ever met a person whose passion for life and for fulfilling their destiny is blazing like a roaring fire? Have you noticed the sparkle in their eyes… and how uplifting it feels to be in their presence?  You may have also met many more people who are lukewarm, uncertain, unsure, uncommitted and undecisive.

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