Porta Alchémica® Mansions of Life Elixirs Collection

'Where' You Want to Focus


The complete boxed set of Porta Alchémica® mansions of life elixirs. Beautifully presented in a gold foiled black box, these elixirs enable you to work with all twelve mansions of life energies and powers.

The twelve Porta Alchémica® mansions of life elixirs correlate to and embody the specific energies of each one of the twelve houses or areas of life. Each mansion or house signifies a department of life with its associated activities and experiences. The twelve Porta Alchémica® mansion of life elixirs enable you to select the departments of life you wish to focus on and work with the corresponding mansions of life elixir to enhance and bring greater focus and energy to those areas of your life.

Save NZ$25.00 the cost of one 10ml elixir when you purchase the Porta Alchémica® Mansions of Life Elixirs Collection. For a limited time only.

Availability: In stock

Made in New Zealand

12 x 10ml oral dropper bottle

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Use according to the ritual instructions in the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© and Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© online training programs. Alternatively:
  1. Take 3 drops 3 times a day under the tongue or more frequently if desired
  2. Use a specially dedicated chalice, goblet or bowl to perform an Eighth Ray Chalice Ritual©
  3. Use alchemical elixirs and anointing oils to perform an Eighth Ray Flower of Venus Ritual©
More information on Eighth Ray rituals can be found in the book Eighth Ray Magic – The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation

1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 1st House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 2nd House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 3rd House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 4th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 5th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 6th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 7th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 8th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 9th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 10th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 11th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x 10ml Porta Alchémica® 12th House Mansions of Life Elixir
1 x Daily Alchemy Guide mini foldout

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