Mercury Planetary Elixir

Logic Mind Reasoning


‘I communicate’

Use the Mercury Planetary Elixir to align with the communicative planetary energies of Mercury and Wednesday. Attunes the crown chakra. The planet Mercury is swift moving and embodies the power and energy of ‘I communicate’. It is the key to conscious awareness.

I want to

Be consciously aware; experience the drive to communicate; reason; be objective; be verbally acute; be intellectually perceptive.

Alchemical Essence

Availability: In stock

Made in New Zealand

10ml stock oral dropper bottle

Use according to the ritual instructions in the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© and Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© online training programs. Alternatively:
  1. Take 3 drops 3 times a day under the tongue or more frequently if desired
  2. Use a specially dedicated chalice, goblet or bowl to perform an Eighth Ray Chalice Ritual©
  3. Use alchemical elixirs and anointing oils to perform an Eighth Ray Flower of Venus Ritual©
More information on Eighth Ray rituals can be found in the book Eighth Ray Magic – The Magic of the Goddess – The Magic of Co-Creation

Pure New Zealand spring water, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 63 Karamu essence (Coprosma robusta), Citrine gem essence, Luteus lumen naturae, alchemical dew of the planet Mercury, ethanol.

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