First Light® Life Purpose Blend©

Singing the Soul into the Life


Living a truly fulfilling life

For centuries one of the most carefully guarded secrets has been the knowledge of how to work with the dynamic powers unique to each human soul. To live a truly fulfilling life requires that you discover your reason for being here and to live in accordance with your true life purpose.

Personalised – Meaningful – Significant

Your personalised First Light® Life Purpose Blend© is created especially for you with flower essences containing vibrational frequencies that resonate with your soul’s life lesson and purpose. It is designed to support you in maximising opportunities and discovering the special gifts you were born with.

Your personalised First Light® Life Purpose Blend© helps you to live a soul powered and soul infused life by bringing your consciousness into full alignment with your own soul’s objectives and magically ‘singing you back home’ to your true purpose in life.

When you live in connection with your true purpose in life, your passion for life is greatly enhanced. Every day becomes richer and more fulfilling and your life is transformed in many different ways.

The Creation of Your First Light® Life Purpose Blend©

Enter your details below and your First Light® Life Purpose Blend© will be calculated for you. Your First Light® Life Purpose Blend© will be made from the specially selected award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® that contain the finest vibrations of unique New Zealand native plants to help you connect with your life purpose and live a fulfilling life.

To order your blend, click Add to Cart.


Availability: In stock

Made in New Zealand

25ml oral dropper bottle


Place 2-4 drops under the tongue 3-4 times a day. Your Life Purpose Potion© can be taken more frequently if required, and for as long as desired.

Use within 6-8 weeks of ordering. One 25ml bottle will last up to one month.

It can take up to two lunar months to establish energetic alignments and changes at a magical and spiritual level.

We recommend you purchase two 25ml bottles.

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