First Light® Solar Return Constitutional Blend©

Dancing to Your Personal Celestial Song


Each year the planets in your chart move to a new position creating a new cosmic song for you. Each year you are invited to dance a new cosmic dance to discover more of your innate gifts and embrace and express even more of your potential.

Your First Light® Solar Return Constitutional Blend© is energetically aligned with your solar return chart for the year ahead and it is made of five key components. Each component has a corresponding flower essence from the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range that is personal to you for the coming year. Together these flower essences make up a vibrationally powerful synergistic blend that is unique to you and can support you to experience maximum growth and expansion during your solar return year.

Joy – Renewal – Growth

You can work with your First Light® Solar Return Constitutional Blend© to align yourself to the energies of your solar return and maximise the potential and possibilities available to you. In this way you can be in harmonious relationship with the powerful forces of nature and the planets as they move through and influence your life, creating a joyous dance with life.

The creation of your First Light® Solar Return Constitutional Blend©

Enter your details below. Your First Light® Solar Return Constitutional Blend© will be made from the specially selected award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® that contain the finest vibrations of unique New Zealand native plants to help you work at the highest level of spiritual awareness and vibration. Your First Light® Solar Return Constitutional Blend© will includes a special combination of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® from range No’s 1-184.

To order your blend, click Add to Cart.



Availability: In stock

Made in New Zealand

25ml oral dropper bottle


Place 2-4 drops under the tongue 3-4 times a day. Your Solar Return Constitutional Potion© can be taken more frequently if required, and for as long as desired.

Use within 6-8 weeks of ordering. One 25ml bottle will last up to one month.

This constitutional potion can be taken on a regular basis throughout the period of your solar return year.

We recommend you purchase two 25ml bottles.

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