No 85 Connecting With Your Inner Healer – Shamanic Journey Audio



Access the Healing Power of Your Soul

Shamanic journey to the world of soul to connect with and strengthen the connection to your soul, access healing powers and link with the Great Mother energy.

Made in New Zealand

Audio MP3


Author: Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Format: Audio MP3

Length: 23min

How to Download: Your download link will be sent to you on your order confirmation email. You will also find the link on your account page under ‘My Downloadable Products’

Related Product: You can enhance this HypnoSoul© Self-Hypnosis Shamanic Journey experience by taking 3 drops of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 85 Black Mamaku – The Healer on the tongue, or in a glass of water, before you begin your journey. Continue taking this flower essence daily, 3 drops 3 times a day, until the bottle is finished.

Related Course: Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies©

Listen on any device. Do not listen while driving.

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