
Stories from students and clients

For over 20 years we have supported thousands of students from around the world to walk a proven path to self-mastery and full enlightenment. When you enrol into a Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® online program you get unprecedented access to the original House of the Bee mystery school teachings and system of initiation that has been kept secret for thousands of years. Read what our students have to say about their experience with Medicine Woman programs and Medicine Woman Online School.

Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies©
What Our Students Say

I felt unconditional love

“I loved the 12 months of the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies©. The 12 healers teacher plants are truly remarkable. This was the first time in my life that I felt unconditional love as strongly as if it was from a person, as soon as I took the first

Helen Francis
Carer, New Zealand
My unique soul intelligence, experience, wisdom and understanding grew and evolved

“I initially resisted enrolling in the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program as I could not see how I could be a healer. I would dream of doors shutting me out and struggling with a door not letting me through. While online one day, I ‘accidentally’ arrived 5 mins

Peggy Rangi
New Zealand
My energy is strong

“Undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program allowed me to create space for my Healer self in my everyday life and I began to embody the Healer that I am and had spent years studying to be. Through this program I was able to connect with the gnosis

Stephanie Young
Tarot Reader, Medical Herbalist and Astrologer, New Zealand
I feel calmer, wiser and more empowered

“The path of learning from the great Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© teacher plants has been a journey of a lifetime. A journey to look inward and find the truth of my soul. I can clearly see how over these few years my life is enriched by bringing me

Gillian Crundwell
Ecologist and Herbalist, Australia
I was able to release the grip of the past

 “This was my second time undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program. My first experience was in 2012. Each month, my relationship with the teacher plants deepened, and I built upon my previous understanding and knowledge. I was able to gain greater insights from my day to day

Elizabeth Marino
Auckland, New Zealand
Freedom, lightness and strength

“Undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program has been a journey that brought me many gifts. One of these is the sense of freedom I now experience thanks to the healing and letting go of energetic stuff that held me in certain ways of being and thinking. With

Maria Gerathy
Transpersonal Coach, Disability Support Worker, Sydney, Australia
I am feeling truly more connected

“Totally magical experience. The Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program was the journey of self discovery to my full potential in this life time and how to take the work out into the world. I am feeling truly more connected and sensitive to the sacred, to the Earth, to

Gabrielle Parson
Raglan, New Zealand
My light is shining brighter with a radiance of clarity

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© has truly been a life transforming and magical journey exposing many hidden buried treasures within my holistic being, those treasures were always there just waiting for the right time to be revealed through an awakening and each beautiful healer’s teacher plant essence in

Jennifer Tuffin
Reiki Master, Community Support Worker, Whanganui, New Zealand
I changed my victim mindset

“During the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© program I was able to change my victim mindset and embrace taking control of my life in every manner. This has been such an exciting step for me and I am totally loving moving forward. As a result, I am looking forward

Suzanne Brereton
Interior Spatial Designer, New Zealand
This program is life changing! 

“I have completed all of the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs and thoroughly enjoyed them. They are so rewarding and I gain so much on so many levels. The last program I did was the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© which blew my

Steven Lydford
I experienced many shifts in consciousness

“I was originally drawn to the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© as a means of reconnecting with the Goddess.  The time commitment was initially a concern however in my experience, these Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs give me so much insight and gnosis into

Patricia Stowell
Christchurch, New Zealand Podiatrist, Natural Health Practitioner
Spiritually I feel a new depth of support 

“I felt drawn to do the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program as I am interested in the ritual and alchemical work. It felt very much like the right thing for me to be doing this program.  Although I had sporadically done rituals in the past, I felt

Cindy Beaudin
Auckland, New Zealand
I stepped into a new reality

“Having experienced all other Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs, and the profound shifts within me, I had no hesitancy in enrolling into the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program. Finances have been a challenge over the past few years, however, I knew this was

Gillian Williamson
I feel deeply blessed to have been on this journey 

“I have had a longstanding interest in ritual practice and a personal practice that I had cobbled together from various books. I had long sought a teaching system that could help me solidify and deepen my ritual practice. I found it here in the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve

Erihapeti Elizabeth McPherson
Healer, Collingwood, New Zealand
I have healed parts of myself that I couldn’t previously reach

“I have studied with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® for many years and have always found the results to be life changing and empowering. So I knew that the Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates© program would follow on as a higher octave

Katrina Nilsen
Hairstylist, and energetic and vibrational healer Tauranga, New Zealand
Learning knowledge from the ancient wisdom keepers is priceless

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents©program has been life changing in the way that I now have so much more peace, much less fear and am mostly responsive rather than reactive. By further healing myself there has been great healing occur within my family. I

Katrina Nilsen
Hairstylist and Flower Essence Practitioner, New Zealand
Life is different now

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents©program was a profound journey, awakening a part of me that was waiting patiently deep within. When I heard Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber speak of this program, every part of me came alive, however there were financial challenges that I had to

Gill Williamson
New Zealand
My deepest fears were confronted, then overcome and healed

“My life has irrevocably changed since partaking in the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© program. I did not expect to be doing this program as I was all set to flow onto the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© program after completing the shamanic apprenticeship with

Phillippa Bell
New Zealand
A Truly Phenomenal Programme

“Having completed the previous Medicine Woman trainings it seemed completely natural that I would continue with this new programme ‘Rite of The Twelve Celestial Regents’. I did not know what to expect as it is working with the planets and stars and I was doubtful I would be able to.

Kim Ahrens
First Light® Flower Essence Practitioner, USA
I have stepped into my true magical self

“The Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© was a life changing program. I have read about the planetary angels and done some astrological work, but this program made it real. I am able to say with conviction that I have established a relationship with the planets, signs and

Steven Lydford
School Teacher, New Zealand
This program reshaped our lives

“We have been on many adventures together in many realms, so we were excited for the opportunity to adventure in the celestial realms together with the Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents© program. We walked alongside one another through our journeys and rites of passage with the Celestial

Lynda Earl & Erihapeti Elizabeth McPherson
Golden Bay, New Zealand
I am living life to the full

“I have gained confidence and certainty and I have lost self-doubt. My consciousness has expanded and I have an indomitable will and spiritual endurance. I have experienced a complete reversal and died to my old self. I have let go of many limiting traits, habits and beliefs. I am loving

Chris Griffiths
Registered Nurse, New Zealand
A dynamic purposeful exciting life

“The greatest benefit for me in undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© program has been the validation that I am not a ‘square peg in a round hole’ – my greatest strength is my ‘uniqueness’. I developed the strength and courage to believe and trust in my

Peggy Rangi
Retired, New Zealand
Profoundly transformative and deeply healing 

“For me undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© program has been profoundly transformative and deeply healing. Working with each master teacher plant one on one throughout the lunar cycle allowed me to gain a greater understanding of each teacher plant’s individual lessons and capacities – both therapeutically

Simonne Butler
Author, Public Speaker, New Zealand
Deep inner peace

“I have strengthened myself in the world, the role that I am to play and contribution that I can give to others. Trusting myself and my deep inner knowing. Following and upholding the Truth always. By completing the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© program, I have experienced deep

Amanda Hookham
Auckland, New Zealand
New strength

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© enabled me to engage in life with open eyes and understand that every experience is an opportunity for truth and growth. I have found new strength and courage to face what has to be faced and having the resources within to do

Elizabeth Marino
Auckland, New Zealand
More clarity

“From undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© program, I have more clarity about my spiritual direction which in turn has influenced tangible actions. It has helped me take risks I previously didn’t have the confidence to take, and connected me to the master teacher plants and the

Sarah Spence
Project Manager, New Zealand
I can now hold my spiritual purpose

“Undertaking the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program helped me to eliminate many limiting and negative personality traits within me, for example my rejection and abandonment complex. I find I am more neutral and not attached to things (people, outcomes). I no longer argue with people and put my energy

Vivia Ward
Massage Therapist and Energy Healer, New Zealand
My ideal way of living

“I have gained so much from the Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©program. I can now hold my spiritual purpose much more strongly knowing a group of souls is there for the same objective and be able to apply valuable teachings in every day life in a practical way –

Sumi Asano
Energy Healer, Flower Essence Practitioner, New Zealand
Changed my life in so many ways

“The Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© program changed my life in so many ways – in every way possible actually and continues to benefit me in daily life. I loved the way it empowered me and gave me confidence to step more fully into the truth of who I am

Lynda Earl
Natural Medicine Practitioner, New Zealand
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